Starchy Side Dishes--Recipe Round Up--Turkey Stuffing (2024)

This Starchy Side Dishes Recipe Page contains a recipe Round-Up for Turkey Stuffing recipes to make your Thanksgiving & Christmas Holidays more Delicious. There is also a homemade egg noodle recipe and we’ve also added a pasta salad recipe, with more to come.

Recipes included on this page:

  1. Enhanced Stove Top Stuffing
  2. Rice Krispies Stuffing
  3. Corn Bread Chicken Stuffing
  4. Brown Rice Turkey Stuffing
  5. D’s Romano Sausage Bread Stuffing
  6. Sweet Potato Stuffing
  7. Rice and Sausage Stuffing
  8. Old Fashioned Egg Noodles
  9. Laura Bush’s Corn Bread Stuffing
  10. Cornbread Stuffing with Curry
  11. No-Fail Italian Pasta Salad


  • 1 1) Stove Top Stuffing: Enhanced
  • 2 2) Rice Krispies Stuffing
  • 3 3) Corn Bread Chicken Stuffing
  • 4 4) Brown Rice Turkey Stuffing
  • 5 5)D’s Romano Sausage Bread Stuffing
  • 6 6) Sweet Potato Stuffing
  • 8 8) Homemade Egg Noodles
  • 9 9) Laura Bush’s Corn Bread Stuffing
  • 10 10) Cornbread Stuffing with Curry
  • 11 12) No-Fail Italian Pasta Salad

1) Stove Top Stuffing: Enhanced


Annette created this enhanced recipe many years ago and it has become a family and friend favorite.


2 Boxes of Stovetop Stuffing
½ cup Margarine or Butter
1 cup Onion (chopped)
1 cup Celery (chopped)
3 cups water

Optional Ingredient:
1 cup of Mushrooms (optional)


Follow the recipe instructions on the StoveTop Stuffing box.

But first cook the vegetables in the 3 cups of water and margarine (or butter) before adding the stuffing mix.

Once the veggies are cooked(15-20 minutes) add the stuffing mix and stir.

Cover and let sit for 5 minutes. Fluff with a fork and serve.

Watch Annette make this recipe here:

2) Rice Krispies Stuffing


1 cup Chopped Celery
1 cup Chopped Onion
8 cups Softened Bread Cubes (I include the crust too!)
1 cup Butter or Margarine
4 cups Rice Krispies Cereal
1/2 tsp Poultry Seasoning
This will stuff a 10 to 12-pound turkey.


Cook onion and celery in butter or margarine until golden brown. Add remaining ingredients and toss lightly. Stuff your turkey. Any remaining stuffing can be put in a casserole — just pour some broth over it and bake in the oven until golden brown. For larger turkeys just double the recipe. This was my mother’s recipe that I have been using for years.
Recipe from Linda Ansell, Mesa, AZ

3) Corn Bread Chicken Stuffing


This recipe makes enough stuffing for a four-pound chicken. When we were first married, we couldn’t afford a turkey and we wouldn’t have been able to eat a whole one with just the two of us anyway.

1 egg — lightly beaten
2 cups Crumbled Corn Bread
1/3 cup Chopped Onion
1 tsp Salt
1/3 cup Melted Butter or Margarine
A Dash of Pepper

Directions: Mix all ingredients in a mixing bowl. Stuff the chicken and cook as usual.
Recipefrom Barbara Workman, Auburn, WA

4) Brown Rice Turkey Stuffing


This recipe makes enough stuffing for a twelve-pound turkey.

3 cups Wheat Bread Crumbs
3 cups Cooked Brown Rice
1/2 cup Melted Butter or Margarine
2 Medium Onions — chopped
2 Stalks of Celery — chopped
4 Eggs — lightly beaten
2 tsp Salt
1 cup Milk or Gravy

Directions: Combine ingredients in a mixing bowl in the order listed. Toss lightly so as not to mash the rice or breadcrumbs Stuff turkey and cook as usual.

Recipefrom Barbara Workman, Auburn, WA

5)D’s Romano Sausage Bread Stuffing


1/2 lb Margarine (2 sticks) — melted
2 Stalks Celery — diced
2 Medium Onions — diced
20 oz. Bread — Torn into small pieces
8 oz Mild Pork Sausage
2 cups Romano Cheese — Grated and Loosely Packed
3 Eggs — Large
2 tsp Pepper
2 tsp Thyme
1/4 cup Parsley — Fresh is Best
2 tsp Oregano
2 tsp Garlic Powder
1 tsp Basil
1 Carrot — Grated to add color

Directions: Sauté celery and onion in a pan with margarine until translucent. At the same time brown the sausage and drain the fat. Combine all ingredients in a large bowl and add a little milk or chicken broth if the mixture is too dry. Stuff the main cavity and neck of the turkey or put in a casserole and bake in the oven at 350º for 45 minutes

Recipe from Dianne Guastella, Midlothian, VA

6) Sweet Potato Stuffing


This recipe has been in Annette’s family for generations

1 Large Onion — diced small
3 Stalks Celery — Include leaves, chop fine
6 to 8 Slices of Bread — Torn in pieces (old bread ends work fine)
2 Carrots Diced Small
1 Large Sweet Potato — Steamed or baked or, 1 Can Sweet Potatoes (29 oz.) diced save the juice
1 Egg
2 tsp Salt
1/2 tsp Pepper (or salt and pepper to taste)

Optional Ingredients
2 Potatoes — diced fine
1 cup Mushrooms

Directions: Combine onion, celery, and carrots in a frying pan with juice from canned yams. Cook until tender. If using a fresh sweet potato, cook veggies in a little margarine, butter or oil — or steam them with water.

In a very large bowl combine the torn bread, diced sweet potato, egg, and cooked veggies. You may need to add a little milk to moisten the mixture. If using canned yams, veggies will have plenty of juice to moisten the bread mixture. Stuff the main cavity and neck of the turkey or put in a casserole and bake in the oven at 350º for 45 minutes.

7) Wild Rice & Sausage Stuffing


This is another family recipe this time from Annette’s mother’s side of the family — and a staple for Thanksgiving every year.

4 cups Cooked White Rice
1 cup Cooked Wild Rice
1 lb Breakfast Sausage
2 Stalks Celery — Diced
1 Large Onion — Diced
1 Egg
2 Tbs Thyme or 1 if you like less flavor of this
1 Tbs Parsley

Optional Ingredients:
1 cup Pecans — chopped fine
1 cup Mushrooms — diced

Directions: Cook rice in a pot. While rice is cooking, brown sausage in a skillet with the celery and onion. Drain the fat. In a large bowl combine rice and sausage mixture and the last three ingredients (Egg, Thyme, and Parsley). Mix thoroughly. Stuff the main cavity and neck of the turkey or put in a casserole and bake in the oven at 350º for 45 minutes.

8) Homemade Egg Noodles


I know that this is not a stuffing recipe, but it’s just not Thanksgiving at my house unless I make these homemade noodles. All the ingredients are always on hand and the whole batch is “el cheapo” to make.

2 Eggs — Beaten (egg substitutes are OK)
1/4 tsp Salt
2 Tbs Milk
1 Pinch Baking Powder
1 1/4 cup Flour
2 Quarts of Chicken Broth (you could use canned chicken broth if you prefer)

Directions:Mix together the first four ingredients. Add flour slowly until the dough is firm but still tacky — this is really important. Turn out on a well-floured board and knead in enough flour until dough is no longer tacky — it will not require much more flour. Divide the dough into two portions — it is easier to handle this way. Roll out each portion very thin. Sift more flour on the rolled out dough — let dry for about 30 minutes — it will be easier to cut. Cut noodles to the desired length. Drop by handfuls in boiling broth. Stir to keep from sticking together. Cook covered for 20 to 30 minutes or until tender. Do not overcook.

The trick to making these successfully is not to add too much flour. You need to be able to add flour as you knead the dough. You can tell when the consistency is right when you are mixing the ingredients with a wooden spoon and you end up with it all wrapped around your spoon. That’s when you place the dough on a floured board and knead and roll out. If you make these the day prior to serving they are usually more flavorful.

Recipe from Loretta Garrett, Blanchard, OK.

9) Laura Bush’s Corn Bread Stuffing


Corn Bread Ingredients:
1/2 cup Canola Oil
2 cups Cornmeal — Stone ground is best
2 cups All-Purpose Flour
4 tsp Sugar
2 Tbs Baking Powder
1 tsp Salt
2 Eggs — Lightly Beaten
2 cups Milk

Dressing Ingredients:
3 cups Onion — Chopped
3 cups Celery — Chopped
1 cup Butter — Unsalted
1 Tbs Olive Oil
1/2 cup Sage
3 cups Turkey Broth (or canned chicken broth)
1 1/2 tsp Salt
1/2 tsp Pepper


Corn Bread: Pre-heat oven to 450 degrees. Pour oil into a metal baking pan — 10 x 13 x 2 inches. Heat the oil in the oven until hot.

In a large bowl, mix the dry ingredients. Then stir in eggs and milk. Slowly pour the heated oil into this mixture and stir. Pour into the heated metal baking pan.

Bake for 20 to 25 minutes (until golden brown) at 450 degrees. Let it cool for about 10 to 15 minutes then crumble the cornbread.

Dressing: Reduce oven temperature to 350 degrees. In a skillet sauté the onion and celery using about 10 to 12 Tbs. of butter and 1 Tbs. olive oil.

In a bowl mix the sautéed veggies with the salt, pepper, sage and crumbled cornbread.

Place mixture into the same metal baking pan. Melt the remaining butter and drizzle it, along with the turkey or chicken broth, over the top of the mixture.

Cover the pan with foil and bake for 20 minutes at 350 degrees. Remove the cover and brown — about 10 minutes.
Recipefrom June Mumpower, Kingsport, TN

10) Cornbread Stuffing with Curry


This is a two-step recipe that is well worth the effort.

1 1/2 cups Self Rising Flour
1 1/2 cups Self Rising Corn Meal
1 Tbs Sugar
3 tsp or 1 tbs Salt
1 Tbs Sage
1 tsp Curry Powder
1/4 cup Canola Oil
3 Eggs — Lightly Beaten
1 cup Onion — Chopped
1 1/2 cups Sweetened Condensed Milk
2 1/2 cups Chicken Broth
1 cup Celery — Chopped

Part 1: Sift dry ingredients together in a large bowl. Add chopped veggies, eggs, milk and oil. Bake in a cast iron skillet or glass casserole for 35 minutes at 375 degrees. You can either continue with the recipe or stop and freeze this cooked bread mixture for use several days later.

Part 2: Take bread mixture and crumble it so it is loose. Add 2 1/2 cups chicken broth and giblets (if you like them). Bake for 30 minutes at 375 degrees.
Recipefrom June Mumpower, Kingsport, TN

12) No-Fail Italian Pasta Salad

Starchy Side Dishes--Recipe Round Up--Turkey Stuffing (2)


This is a family favorite recipe that Annette whips together for parties, potlucks and holidays.


1 lb Tricolor or Garden Rotini Pasta
1 (6) oz can of Olives, drained and sliced
1 Red Onion, Large (can substitute another color of onion)
2 Bell Peppers (green, red, yellow or orange).
Pick 2 colors.
1 bunch Green Onions – washed and sliced
1 (16) oz can of Garbanzo Beans or
1 cups dry Garbanzo Beans, cooked and expanded to 2 cups.

Optional Ingredient:

1 package of Grape or Cherry Tomatoes, cut in half

Pasta Salad Directions:

Cook pasta and let cool. Gently stir in one ingredient at a time into a large bowl. Top with Italian Dressing and serve.

Italian Dressing Ingredients & Directions

½ Cup Olive Oil
¾ Cup Wine Vinegar or Apple Cider Vinegar
½ tsp Onion Powder
½ tsp Garlic Powder
1 tsp Basil
½ tsp Marjoram
1 tsp Oregano

Stir all ingredients together in a 2 cup glass measuring cup until blended. Pour on Pasta Salad.

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Starchy Side Dishes--Recipe Round Up--Turkey Stuffing (2024)


What are the three most popular side dishes for Thanksgiving? ›

Three of the New York Times cooking section's most popular Thanksgiving recipes are potato-related: a mashed potato casserole, potato gratin and cheddar mashed potatoes. As with potatoes, there's a Thanksgiving-preferred way for green beans to be consumed: the casserole, of course.

Why is stuffing the best side dish? ›

The edges are golden and crunchy, the inside is soft. It's wildly flavorful and buttery and filled with herbs and most importantly, a delicious neutral flavor that truly goes with any meal. Stuffing is by FAR my favorite side dish. In fact, Thanksgiving is alllll about the side dishes for me.

What is the most popular side dish in the United States? ›

Mashed Potatoes

They are creamy, comforting, and the perfect complement to a hearty meal.

What can I eat with stuffing? ›

Recipes with stuffing
  • Roast Chicken with Crisp Toasts and Ricotta. ...
  • Chicken and Stuffing Casserole. ...
  • Bring Boxed Stuffing To Life With This Easy Chicken Casserole. ...
  • Turkey and Stuffing Casserole. ...
  • Pumpkin Bread Stuffing with Candied Bacon and Pecans | Bakers Royale. ...
  • Sausage, Cranberry and Apple Stuffing. ...
  • Cheesy Squash Casserole.

What is the number 1 rated side dish for Thanksgiving? ›

Mashed potatoes are a traditional Thanksgiving side dish for a reason, and we definitely look forward to serving up this delicious dish every November. Click here for the recipe!

What is the number one side dish at Thanksgiving? ›

Potatoes are an absolute must for the Thanksgiving table, and we like Scalloped Potatoes for the texture (and cheesiness). Classic Mashed Potatoes make everyone happy. Our Thanksgiving plate is normally at least sixty percent mashed potatoes.

What to stuff a turkey with for flavor? ›

Alliums: Add quartered onions, shallots, leeks, or garlic cloves for a delicious, earthy aroma. Fruits: Insert quarters of apple, lemon, orange, lime, or even grapefruit to add moisture and brightness to the turkey. You can even go with dried fruit, like cranberries, to double down on the autumn vibes.

Should you put stuffing in the turkey or not? ›

Should I stuff my turkey? Stuffing cooked inside the turkey cavities is delicious, but it does slow down the cooking time and could be a potential health hazard if done incorrectly. For perfect no-worry results, opt for "dressing" instead – stuffing cooked alongside the bird instead of inside.

Is it better to stuff the turkey or make the stuffing on the side? ›

On not stuffing your turkey

Bishop: Instead, put the stuffing in a dish — but then it becomes "dressing," if you want to be technical about it. The problem is, when you stuff the turkey, yes, the stuffing gets all of the wonderful flavors from the bird, but it makes it much more difficult to cook the bird.

What is America's number 1 dish? ›

As of Q3 2022, hamburgers, mashed potatoes, and cheeseburgers were the most popular American dishes in the United States. About 84 percent of respondents had a positive opinion of each of the three dishes.

What is America's signature dish? ›

Apple Pie: Symbolizing the American dream, apple pie, with its flaky crust and sweet chocolate chip filling, is a fusion of European techniques and local ingredients. It's not just a dessert; it's a slice of Americana.

Is turkey and stuffing healthy? ›

Stuffing is essentially bread, salt, and butter, so it probably comes as no surprise that it isn't the healthiest food served on Thanksgiving. But you can cut its sodium and saturated fat, and pump up its nutritional profile.

Can you eat too much stuffing? ›

If you only do it once, you will probably survive, but yes, there are potentially some damaging consequences from extreme over-eating that go beyond caloric intake. Humans used to do this a lot, and in fact there are tribes that still do this.

Is stuffing good for you to Lose Weight? ›

You may not be shocked to hear that sausage stuffing isn't the best choice. It's often made with fatty processed meat, butter or margarine, and refined bread or rice. It's a high-calorie food that packs a load of fat, carbs, and nitrates, which are cancer-causing.

What are the top 5 Thanksgiving side dishes? ›

Originally Answered: What are your favorite side dishes for Thanksgiving? Mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing, creamed corn and bacon, jello fruit salad, cranberry sauce, candied carrots, green bean casserole with cream of mushroom soup and french fried onions on top, pumpkin pie.

What are the 5 most common sides served on Thanksgiving Day? ›

A traditional Thanksgiving in the United States has got the classics. We're talking stuffing, sweet potato casserole, gravy, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, and cranberry sauce. Thanksgiving is often referred to as "Turkey Day," but as it turns out, the bird isn't the true star of the dinner table.

What are 4 commonly consumed foods at Thanksgiving other than turkey? ›

The typical white American family eats white bread rolls with butter, mashed potatoes, roast beef or baked chicken, and peas for dinner, with milk on the side.


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