Letters to the editor for Sunday, June 16, 2024 (2024)

Letters to the editor for Sunday, June 16, 2024 (1)

Letters to the editor for Sunday, June 16, 2024 (2)

Letters to the editor should be 250 words or less. Include your name and city or community of residence. Guest opinions should be 600 words or less and include a brief summary of the author’s credentials relevant to the topic. Guest opinions may include a head shot of the author. For the Fort Myers News-Press, email submissions tomailbag@news-press.comand for the Naples Daily News toletters@naplesnews.com

Marco Island waterways

Oxygen is an essential component of the aquatic environment. The most important measurement of water quality, oxygen, indicates a waterbody's state of health — that is, the ability to support aquatic life. Watersheds with oxygen concentrations of 5 milligrams per liter (mg/L) or higher can support well-balanced, healthy biological communities.In August 2019, the average oxygen levels in the Marco waterways were a healthy 6.8 mg/L. By August 2023, the average oxygen levels had dropped to 2.4 mg/L, for a reduction of 65%. This was 52% lower than healthy levels.

Excess nutrients (phosphorus and nitrogen) delivered to a waterbody can lead to both overgrowth of algae and eutrophication. As dead algae decompose, oxygen is consumed in the process, resulting in low levels of oxygen in the water. Because there are increasingly more people living in coastal areas, there are more nutrients entering Florida's coastal waters from wastewater treatment facilities, runoff from land in urban areas during rains, and from farming.

The Collier County Pollution Control Department (PCD) recommendation 7.6 (FY22 Collier County Surface Water Report) states; "Reduction of nutrient pollution should remain a priority countywide. Reducing nutrients at the source is more cost effective and efficient than restoring ecosystems after they have been impacted by nutrients. Source reduction strategies should be considered and include the following: require low impact development for new and redevelopment; agricultural operations (including golf courses) should be following assigned best management practices (BMPs) for their operations and verified that the BMPs being implemented are effective; permitted discharges not meeting water quality standards should be remediated; and converting existing wastewater plants to advanced wastewater treatment (AWT) technologies."

The Marco Island Sportfishing Club Board of Directors voted unanimously to encourage the Marco Island City Council to implement PCD recommendation 7.6 and upgrade the Marco Island Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) to Advanced Wastewater Treatment (AWT), targeting the reduction of sewage reuse (reclaimed) water nutrients to current (2023) Limits of Technology (LOT) in order to eliminate this source of pollution going into the Marco waterways.

George Wittmann Jr., Marco Island

Lee commission election

Election season is upon us again. The primaries are not far away, August 20, 2024, and I’m beginning to hear radio ads from candidates.

One candidate I’m very concerned about is Commissioner Greenwell. His radio ad seems to tell us how he will protect us against that nasty FEMA agency and the possible loss of insurance discounts. Under most circ*mstances carrying on this fight would be a good thing, but here it seems totally disingenuous to tout oneself as protecting us against FEMA when if HE and the rest of the county had done their job properly, we wouldn’t have the problem in the first place.

But, then again, what can one expect from a person whose company contracted for a job with Lee County Schools and then charged an excessive additional amount beyond original contract and was paid for the overage.

And as the story goes, this commissioner also made deals with an “environmentally conscious” North Fort Myers developer who subsequently used his influence with Governor DeSantis to have this commissioner appointed to fill a vacancy on the Lee County Board of County Commissioners.

And, should you still need another reason to question whether this commissioner’s “heart” is in the right place, remember that immediately after joining the board zoning changes were implemented which helped his properties in North Fort Myers which in turn benefited him a great deal financially.

I highly recommend taking a chance on a fresh face instead of the tried and untrue.

But, above all, if there is a person you want to vote for, you NEED to vote for that person in the primaries because due to Florida election laws his/her name may not be on the ballot in November. Even if it means temporarily switching parties for the primaries, DO IT!

Norman Cannon, Fort Myers

Accepting election results

Clearly, the Constitution places the responsibility for the process to appoint the electors for president for their state.This is a fundamental state responsibility.

There are, today, candidates for election that have not accepted the results of the 2020 election.Many, including at least one candidate for president, openly maintain that the 2020 presidential election was fraudulent.The former president has never conceded the results of the 2020 election.Even today, years later and after many failed court challenges, several politicians maintain this position.And, recently they have suggested that unless they win the 2024 election, they may not accept its results.It might make one wonder why a candidate that believes the 2020 election was fraudulent would go to the trouble to participate in the 2024 election.

The possibility exists, indeed is very probable, that the results of the 2024 elections will be ignored by some candidates.Fair and respected elections are the fundamental bedrock of our system of democracy.Ignoring the results of our elections creates an existential challenge to our democratic system of electing a president.I believe there is a relatively simple way to address this problem in advance without depending on countless court cases and appeals.

Suppose each state makes it a condition that any candidate that wishes to participate in their election must pledge to abide by the results of their election process.Each candidate may investigate and audit the election process adopted by each state before the election takes place.By signing these pledges, candidates will be obligated to abide by the results of the election and our democratic election system will be protected.This may avoid candidates claiming fraud and attempting to overturn the results of an election process that they willingly participated in.

Rob Woolley, Fort Myers

Biden accomplishments

Well, I’ve been asked by Mike from Naples to list some of the things the Biden administration has done to help the USA. First the administration doesn’t operate in chaos mode, they have qualified adults performing their respective jobs in difficult times. Trump treated his appointees as an episode of "The Apprentice." Given the huge pandemic hangover on inflation it has steadily come down. The stock market reflects that and hovers near all-time highs. Speaking of highs the country is producing more energy than any time in history. And for lows, well, the unemployment rates are at record lows. We have the world’s largest economy. Mike doesn’t want to believe this because Fox tells a fractured tale of unreality. In their settlement of 787 million with Dominion, Fox acknowledged they are not news, they are an entertainment channel. And if you believe Trump and his sycophants, we are a nation mired in misery and decline. They find scapegoats to blame and spew hate. Sad people. And so I ask Mike a question. If we kick out all the undocumented migrants who’ve made a home here who’s going to pick your vegetables, clean your house or cut your lawn?

Laurence Jacks, Estero

Trump's disorganized mind

The Washington Post ran a wonderful opinion about Trump's mental fitness. Responsible journalists should follow suit. Trump's latest speeches show a disorganized mind. It is time that the legitimate press cues into this and stops fearing Republican retribution.

Barbara Goldenziel, Naples

Trump on Hunter Biden

If I was President Trump I would immediately issue a statement saying: when I am sworn in next January, one of the first things I will do is to pardon Hunter Biden.

This will a) guarantee him a win on November 5 and b) help heal the tremendous divide between the two parties.

Michael Adler, Miromar Lakes

Greg Folley for State House

I am writing in support of Greg Folley’s candidacy for the State House District 81 seat being vacated by Bob Rommell. After serving with Greg on the Marco Island City Council for the past two terms I have come to respect him greatly and have found him to be a valued colleague. While we have disagreed over the years on many issues, our disagreements have always been civil and respectful. This is exactly the kind of demeanor we need at the higher levels of government and I’m sure Greg will represent Marco Island with grace and dignity in Tallahassee. Greg’s negotiating skills and sound fiscal management have saved the City of Marco Island millions of dollars. Greg’s patriotism and advocacy for the values and ideals that make America great are constantly on display in his comments, resolutions, and dealings with government and industry leaders across the state and the nation. Greg’s experience as a Marco Island city councilor has greatly prepared him to step into the State House District 81 seat. I can’t emphasize the importance of this enough. Greg is already a well-known and respected elected official by his future colleagues in the Florida State House, Senate, Attorney General’s Office and by the governor himself. We need someone with his credentials and ability to represent Marco Island and all of Southwest Florida in the State House. Greg has my unconditional support.

Marco Island City Councilman Rich Blonna

Support for Biden

Have to give President Biden extreme support after his wonderfully strong State of the Union address. Sorry one letter writer called him "senile, flip-flopping, corrupt," "failed, national and international. . ."

Then, another letter writer, "on the left, should be embarrassed" . . .I don't "lie, deflect, ignore facts and cover up."

Judi Archdale, Fort Myers

GOP and the judicial system

Let me see if I understand all this: Republican lawmakers insist Joe Biden orchestrated a bogus prosecution of Donald Trump to embarrass him and hurt his presidential candidacy, yet Biden could not get a flimsy gun charge against his own son quashed. If we are now a banana republic, as Ted Cruz and other GOPers insist, why is the president unable to get his own son out of trouble?

A jury of his peers studied the evidence and found Trump guilty on 34 felony charges. The idea that all 12 of those folks are raving liberals who hate Trump is just absurd; one of the jurors admitted he gets his political news from Truth Social. If you think Alvin Bragg is a corrupt DA, I challenge you to read his biographical information; if you think Judge Juan Merchan is biased against Trump, I challenge you to read the testimonials to his character and judicial competence, many of them written by conservative jurists.

The same Republicans who believe Trump was unfairly charged are demanding Hunter Biden’s head on a plate because at one time he was a drug addict and lied about that on an application for a gun license. I wonder how many of them have a family member or friend who has suffered with addiction problems. Even deeply conservative jurists admit they’ve almost never seen a case come to trial on the charge Hunter Biden faces. President Biden could easily have fired the Trump-appointed special prosecutor in his son’s case; he didn’t because he, unlike Trump, believes in the rule of law.

Ray Clasen, North Fort Myers

More Biden accomplishments

In “Negative letters about Trump” (June 2) the writer asks for a list of President Biden’s accomplishments. A tall order, but here’s what I came up with. As I recall, one huge accomplishment is the Inflation Reduction Act, which allocates funds to repair aging and build needed infrastructure and invests in clean energy manufacturing to help mitigate the disastrous effects of climate change. It allows negotiation over drug prices which will reduce the cost to Medicare for many medications, most notably insulin (which I recently read Trump is trying to take credit for despite the evidence — never a barrier for him.) The IRA will have other beneficial outcomes, but it takes time for funding to be allocated, contracts awarded, and projects completed. Another signature bipartisan legislation, the CHIPS Act, allocates funds to manufacture semi-conductors here instead of in China. Biden has forgiven billions in student debt, which benefits us all because of future productivity. And he gets credit for over-the-counter birth control pills and restoring our stature in the world. Inflation is down, though still higher than it should be, jobs and wages up, inequality reduced, crime down, and the stock market has soared. I don’t necessarily give Biden or any president sole credit for these items or blame for the opposite, depending on their policies. For instance, the deficit is certainly too high, but the Trump tax cuts, which mainly benefit the very wealthy, bear a large part of the responsibility. The southern border is a huge problem, but the bipartisan bill to take some steps to address it was scuttled by Republicans frightened of Trump. Biden administration accomplishments have been widely reported. For a more comprehensive list, consult the internet or read and watch mainstream media.

Mary Jo Nolin, Naples

Einstein's warning

In 1949 Albert Einstein warned that the time would come when the very rich so controlled the means of communication that it would be almost impossible for ordinary people to make informed decisions; and so democracy would be broken.

We now live in the time Einstein warned about.

David Ward, North Fort Myers

Watch these clips

For those of you unsure who to vote for late this year do yourself a favor and go watch two clips on YouTube. One is Donald Trump's Las Vegas speech, where his teleprompter broke and he was forced to wing it. The other is Byron Donalds' interview with Joy Reid as it relates to his Jim Crow comments. Don't bother with any popcorn, what is said by them will have you fixated enough.

Paul Fowler, Bonita Springs

No redeeming characteristics

I have just finished reading a book entitled"Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created The World’s Most Dangerous Man"by Mary L. Trump, Ph.D. Dr. Trump is Donald Trump’s niece and is the daughter of the late Fred Trump, Jr, Donald’s older brother. She relatesin detail the horrifying story of this dysfunctional family who have through gross negligence, greed and indifference created a man who is now much as he was as a 3-year-old: incapable of growing, learning, or evolving, unable to regulate his emotions, moderate his responses, or take in and synthesize information. His father, Fred Trump, Sr., raised his five children to fear him and be terrorized by the thought of failure and, thereby, caused Donald to become a liar and a cheat. Donald was never capable of succeeding in the family business as he lacked the horsepower to make decisions that benefited anyone else but himself. He became a cruel and vindictive person whose only action was to take revenge on those who disagreed withhim or any of his decisions. He was incapable of thinking about anyone but himself – the good of the country was not even a consideration. Fear is the driving force in his life – there is no love of country, ability to compromise with other countries or governments especially his own. He admires the ruthless dictators who abound in this world because their people are so terrified of them that they obey in order to stay alive.

Every U.S. citizen who is considering voting for Donald Trump should read this book and inwardly digest the information contained therein. It is beyond belief to me that there are so many U.S. citizens who actually believe that Donald Trump is a person that should represent this country to the world. Who are these people anyway? Donald Trump has no redeeming characteristics that in any way qualify him for this most important position in our world. He has no social or intellectual value of any kind. His worst fear has come true that the only thing he is capable of succeeding at is failing at everything he touches or is a part of. Wake up you people who think he is such a great guy – he would turn against you in a New York minute if he thought you questioned him or his judgment. If elected he will bring this country down – gone will be our freedoms, our way of life, our democratic form of government that values the will of the people. MAGA will come to mean Made America Go Away – so sad!

Bette Dion, Naples

What a smart guy!

WOW! Let me get this right. Trump is accusing President Biden, who he calls "Sleepy Joe" and senile, of being the mastermind behind Trump's arrest and conviction on 34 felony counts; and outsmarting the best lawyers that money can buy.WOW! We can't afford not to re-elect Biden. What a smart guy!

Tom Costello, Naples

What makes America great

For many Americans who identify with the "Make America Great Again" (MAGA) movement, it's essential to recognize the pivotal role that U.S. foreign policy has played in shaping the nation's greatness. While domestic policies and values are crucial, America's interactions with the world have significantly contributed to its strength and prosperity.

First and foremost, U.S. foreign policy has ensured national security. By establishing alliances and engaging in global diplomacy, America has deterred threats and maintained peace. For instance, NATO, formed in 1949, is a key alliance that has prevented large-scale wars in Europe, keeping American soil safe. Threats to disengage from NATO weaken America.

Economic prosperity is another critical area where foreign policy shines. Trade agreements and international partnerships have opened markets for American goods and services, creating jobs and fostering innovation. The Marshall Plan after World War II, which helped rebuild Europe, is a prime example. By supporting global recovery, the U.S. created a stable environment for trade, benefiting American businesses and workers. Moves to withdraw from organizations such as the planned Trans Pacific Partnership harm America’s prospects.

Humanitarian efforts are also a significant aspect of U.S. foreign policy. Providing aid during natural disasters and conflicts not only helps those in need but also fosters goodwill and stability worldwide. This, in turn, reduces the likelihood of conflicts that could affect American interests.Moreover, promoting democratic values and human rights has been a cornerstone of U.S. foreign policy. Supporting freedom and democracy abroad helps create a world where American ideals are respected and shared, contributing to global stability.

Finally, America's leadership in international organizations, such as the United Nations, has been vital. These platforms allow the U.S. to influence global policies and address issues like climate change and terrorism, ensuring a safer and more stable world for future generations.

In summary, U.S. foreign policy has been instrumental in making America great. By securing national safety, boosting economic growth, providing humanitarian aid, promoting democratic values, and leading on the global stage, America has built a legacy of strength and prosperity. Understanding and appreciating this role is crucial for all Americans, including those who proudly support the MAGA movement.

Paul Howard, Naples

History of race relations

I do believe that the writer of the letter titled "Jim Crow Comments" should look up the definition of irony as that seems to be the best word to summarize his closing sentence.The thrust of his letter is that Republicans are all a bunch of racists and they want the age of Jim Crow and Uncle Toms to return. The writer is obviously not well read in history, or he would know that Jim Crow laws were promulgated and enforced by Democrats. Also, the KKK was a Democrat organization, and in the Twentieth Century, all of the civil rights laws, particularly LBJ's, would have died on the vine if it wasn't for Republicans voting "Aye." It wasn't Republican governors standing in schoolhouse doors preventing blacks from attending, it was Democrats. That's why I say his final sentence is full of irony. Given the history of race relations in this country, the writer surely didn't mean to say what he did when he penned "Vote for the better alternative, Democrats."

Chuck Bainbridge, East Naples

Legal consequences for Trump

Mr. Trump’s recent felony convictions in a New York State court set him up for serious legal consequences should there be another felony conviction in any state or federal court.

No doubt as a low-grade felony first offender this time his sentence will be suspended based upon successfully completing two or three years of supervised probation. He likely also will be required to either pay a fine or do quite a few hours of court-approved community service. House arrest wearing an ankle shackle. Some form of house arrest with an ankle shackle and curfew is not unusual for a non-violent first offender like Mr. Trump. In other words, for now he will probably get off with a rather “light dusting.”

Of course his verdict could be overturned on appeal, but until then it stands as a felony conviction. In the meantime, should Mr. Trump be convicted of other felonies in another state or federal court, a prior felony conviction of any sort in any jurisdiction greatly increases his chances of being the subject of mandatory sentencing guidelines that entail multi-year jail time with very little judicial discretion.

Unless he is elected again, he will inevitably have to run the gauntlet of a number of state and federal criminal proceedings. His “prior” is now his legal Sword of Damocles.

Bruce Diamond, Fort Myers

This article originally appeared on Fort Myers News-Press: Letters to the editor for Sunday, June 16, 2024

Letters to the editor for Sunday, June 16, 2024 (2024)


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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

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Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.