German Pork Roast Recipe - Schweinebraten (2024)

German Pork Roast aka Schweinebraten is the quintessential Sunday dinner option for Germany and one of the most typical German foods you can get. Except that we eat it for lunch, not dinner. But you get my point.

German Pork Roast Recipe - Schweinebraten (1)I grew up in Germany and I can still smell the mouthwatering smells coming out of the kitchen, us kids naturally gravitating towards there as the smells became more and more intense. Finally, my mom would call my dad to carve the roast and that meant it was almost time to eat. Hurridly, we’d set the table and grab a drink and wait patiently at the table for lunch to be served. Platters of sliced pork would appear on the table, bowls full of red cabbage and noodles or potato dumplings covered almost every available surface of the table. Gravy boats held the most flavorful gravy made from scratch, just waiting to be poured over, bathing the meat and noodles and cabbage.

Naturally, making a typical German Pork Roast is one of my absolute comfort foods and I often make it, when I am just a tad homesick or if someone asks me to make a typical German dish for them.

So now I want to share one of my favorite German dishes with you. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

German Pork Roast Recipe - Schweinebraten (2)

German Pork Roast

2016-02-01 21:20:24

German Pork Roast Recipe - Schweinebraten (3)

Serves 4

Juicy German Pork Roast Recipe with a savory red wine gravy

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Cook Time

2 hr 30 min

Total Time

2 hr 45 min

Prep Time

15 min

Cook Time

2 hr 30 min

Total Time

2 hr 45 min


  1. 4 lbs pork neck or pork shoulder
  2. 1 medium onion - diced
  3. 2-3 carrots - diced
  4. 2-3 celery stalks - diced
  5. 6 cloves of garlic - chopped or pressed
  6. 1 small potato - finely diced
  7. 2 cups of mushrooms - quartered
  8. 2 tbsp tomato paste
  9. 1-3 cups of dry red wine
  10. Water
  11. 2 bay leaves
  12. Salt and Pepper to taste
  13. 7-8 stalks of Thyme
  14. 4 stalks of Oregano
  15. 1 stalk of Rosemary
  16. 5 leaves of Sage
  17. or
  18. 2 tbsp Italian dried herbs


  1. Heat up a heavy duty pot over medium-high heat. When your pot is hot, add some oil and when it is nice and hot, add your pork loin to brown thoroughly on the outside. Be patient and let it get to a medium-dark brown on all sides, then add your chopped onions and turn down the heat a bit. Stir frequently, so the onions brown evenly.
  2. When your onions are nicely browned, stir in the garlic, tomato paste, potato, celery and carrots and let brown for 1-2 minutes, stirring constantly during this time. From putting the meat in the pot, adding the veggies to pouring in the wine, these two steps should take about 20-30 minutes.
  3. Then it's time for the magic. Add approximately one cup of red wine and scrape the bottom of the pan, to dissolve all the dark bits and pieces, laying the foundation for the gravy. Depending on how decadent you feel, you can add 1 cup of wine. Or 3. Drink the rest.
  4. After you add the wine and enjoy the beautiful aroma for a minute or two, you add your spices (salt and pepper to taste) and herbs. I like to tie my herbs into a little bundle. The French call it a bouquet garni. I call it an herb bundle. Anyways, I just tie the Rosemary, Thyme, Sage and Oregano together with some kitchen yarn and drop it in the pot together with 2 large bay leaves. It just makes it easier to fish out later, when you finish the gravy.
  5. Now it is time to add some more water, so it reaches about 1 inch below the highest point of the meat. Pop on the lid and either let it simmer on low or put it in the oven at 325 F until the center of your meat reaches 145F, approximately 2 hours. The exact cooking time will depend on how much meat you use and its shape. This is a pretty hands-off process, just check and stir every once in while.
  6. When your meat reaches its desired temperature, pull it out and let it rest, preferably covered with some aluminum foil to keep it warm. This will allow the juices to redistribute through the meat and keeps it from turning dry.
  7. While your meat rests, it is time to finish off the gravy. Fish out the bouquet garni and then pass the gravy though a fine strainer, smashing and pressing the soft vegetables through the fine netting with a ladle or large spoon. The "pureed" vegetables naturally thicken the gravy and give it a rustic and satisfying texture. Heat up the gravy in a saucepan and let it come to a boil. Depending on your preference of consistency, you can add a slurry of water and flour (wheat or potato flour, if you want to go Gluten free) to thicken it up or wait until it reduces naturally. If the gravy is too thick for your liking, just add a little bit of water. I like to leave some of the veggies whole and add them back into the gravy, as they look pretty and are very tasty mixed up with your gravy and noodles. Check your seasonings one more time, carve your meat and ladle on the goodness, making your meat and noodles swim in this rich and decadent sauce.


  1. German Pork Roast - Recommended Side Dishes
  2. As a side, I recommend red cabbage with apples and Potato dumplings or Spätzle, a typical German noodle with the German Pork Roast. I'll be posting recipes for those soon. In the meantime, and if you are in the US, you can find German Spätzle in some Grocery stores, like HEB or WorldMarket. If you can't get you hands on those, try to get some wide egg noodles, they would work beautifully too.

Maria Abroad

German Pork Roast Recipe - Schweinebraten (2024)


What is Schweinebraten made of? ›

Schweinebraten is a traditional German pork roast originating from Bavaria. It is typically prepared for Sunday lunch and consists of sliced pork roast that's served with homemade gravy, semmelknödel (bread dumplings) or potato dumplings, and either sauerkraut or rotkohl (red cabbage).

What wine goes with Schweinebraten? ›

Pork goes best with a youthful white wine , particularly a classically dry but full-bodied Grüner Veltliner or Welschriesling .

Should pork roast be cooked fast or slow? ›

Low and slow is always the go for a tender pork roast. Depending on the size of the roast and the type of slow cooker, a pork roast is best cooked on LOW for 6-8 hours. If you prefer an oven method, a typical roast will take 3-4 hours in a low (160°C) oven.

How long should roast pork be cooked for? ›

Place the roast on a wire rack inside a baking tray and cook at 240°C until the rind crackles, up to 50 minutes. Turn the oven to 180°C and cook for 30-35 minutes per kg, depending on how well you like your roast cooked. Once cooked, let the roast rest for 10 minutes before slicing.

What is the best cut of pork for roasting? ›

Pork leg and loin joints are excellent roasting joints with lean meat and good crackling, and a rack of pork is an impressive looking roast. If you prefer something richer, then shoulder joints and pork belly are ideal. They have a higher fat content that renders down during cooking to give lovely tender meat.

What do Germans eat with pork? ›

The meat is usually smoked with alder or beechwood. When served, pork is almost always accompanied by sauerkraut and mashed or boiled potatoes on the side.

What Pinot is best with pork? ›


In the red realm, choose a lighter style to pair with melt-in-your-mouth pork belly and suckling pig. We recommend a cool-climate Pinot Noir, from Sancerre or Jura.

Which red wine is best with pork? ›

Pork pairs well with fruity, high-acid and earthy wines with a low tannin count. Generally speaking, medium to fuller-bodied wines such as Grenache or Chateauneuf-du-Pape and low to medium-bodied wines such as Pinot Noir complement most types of pork.

What wine taste good with pork? ›

Light reds like Beaujolais and Pinot Noirs would be a good match for leaner cuts like chops or tenderloins, maybe even a Chardonnay with a creamy or buttery sauce. Rosés are also extremely versatile with pork, their light body and crispness will pair with many preparations.

Do I need to sear pork roast before roasting? ›

The goal of any pork loin roast should be two-fold: a crisp crust and a rosy, juicy interior. Skipping a pan sear before roasting all but guarantees you'll miss out on the former.

Why is my pork roast always tough? ›

And the lower fat content makes pork loin more susceptible to drying out and turning tough. So, why is this? 1. One of the main factors contributing to a dry pork roast is overcooking, which causes the muscle fibers to contract and release their natural juices — even if it's cooked just a couple of minutes too long.

Can you cook a pork roast too long? ›

It becomes tough, chewy and dry when it's cooked for too long or at too high a temperature.

How do you know when pork is cooked enough? ›

Another good tip is to keep an eye on the juices of the meat as you're preparing it. If the liquid is clear, the meat is probably fully cooked. A little pinkness to the pork will leave the meat juicy and tender, as long as it has hit that ideal 145 degrees Fahrenheit.

How do you know when a pork roast is fully cooked? ›

Bake pork roast in the oven UNCOVERED for approximately 25-30 MINUTES *PER POUND* (55-66 MINUTES PER KILOGRAM) Or until internal temperature reaches 155F (68C), rested to a final 160F (71C).

How do I know when my pork roast is done? ›

Cook pork, roasts, and chops to 145 ºF as measured with a food thermometer before removing meat from the heat source, with a three-minute rest time before carving or consuming. This will result in a product that is both safe and at its best quality—juicy and tender.

What is the white liquid in pork? ›

albumen. basically the bit of meat protein that dissolves in the water in the meat and is squeezed out as the meat shrinks during cooking.

What ingredient is salt pork? ›

It is usually prepared from pork belly, or, more rarely, fatback. Salt pork typically resembles uncut side bacon, but is fattier, being made from the lowest part of the belly, and saltier, as the cure is stronger and performed for longer, and never smoked.

What is pickled pork made of? ›

Combine pork, bay leaves, peppercorns, cloves, onion, celery, sugar, vinegar and enough of the water to barely cover pork in 8-litre (32-cup) pressure cooker; secure lid. Bring cooker to high pressure. Reduce heat to stabilise pressure; cook 30 minutes. Release pressure using the quick release method; remove lid.

What part of the pig does pork schnitzel come from? ›

"pork cutlet") consists of a flattened pork loin, lightly seasoned, coated in flour, dipped in beaten egg, coated with panko crumbs and deep fried.


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