(DOCX) MINUTES OF THE TEDBURN ST MARY PARISH … · Web viewDiscussions took place over the issues regarding parking especially at the Southway junction and at Four Oaks Road. He highlighted - DOKUMEN.TIPS (2024)

(DOCX) MINUTES OF THE TEDBURN ST MARY PARISH …· Web viewDiscussions took place over the issues regarding parking especially at the Southway junction and at Four Oaks Road. He highlighted - DOKUMEN.TIPS (1)

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PRESENT: Chair Cllr L Bellshaw & Cllrs M Jones, P Moody, L Taylor, C Palmer, J Putt, T Tume, C Pope, P Bromell, M Rodda & 12 members of the public. D Radford-Lewis Clerk.

1. Apologies – none

2. Declaration of Interests and changes to Register of Interests – None

3. Open Forum - PCSO Carl Thomas was welcomed and he confirmed he was here to answer questions. He clarified that a police officer will issue parking tickets for parking on pavements. However, they do not place parking tickets for parking on double yellow lines. He has previously put polite notices on two white vans that were causing an obstruction at School Lane junction. He confirmed it is DCC Enforcement officers that would monitor and issue tickets for parking on double yellow lines, not the police force. He also confirmed that if he is on duty he will attend the Double Yellow line consultation. The Clerk will let him know when it is rescheduled for. Discussions took place over the issues regarding parking especially at the Southway junction and at Four Oaks Road. He highlighted the Devon and Cornwall website and that TSM are under the Exminster information page, which he is responsible for updating. Two break-ins were reported to PCSO Carl Thomas. He was aware of the one at hairdressers at Pathfinder and it was also believed that Frys Garage in Tedburn was also broken into on the same night. He was not aware of this one and will call into the garage to follow this up. There has been no progress with the break in at the hairdressers. The Neighbourhood watch scheme was raised as it would appear the scheme in Tedburn has been closed down. He will supply the email for the Devon Alerts which people can sign up for. Emails or phone calls are then sent when there is information to share. A Speedwatch meeting has taken place and three Speedwatchs will take place in the future. The mower purchase was questioned and it was clarified this is an agenda item for later in this meeting. A new sign for one of the disabled parking bays at School Lane has been put up. Also, a sign has gone up stating a bay is to be removed. However, the other two bays do not have a signs. After discussion it was unclear who the bays were for and the Clerk will follow this up with Highways and find out what the exact need for the bays are. The Chairman of the Allotment Association highlighted a hole in the road in front of the allotments. He wanted to stress this was not anything to do with the Allotment users. A bush at St Marys Close is proving an obstruction and this will be looked at. The branches in School Lane have been removed. There is a meeting this Wednesday 1830 at Tedburn School regarding the plans for joining the Link Academy. OPEN FORUM CLOSED 19:55

4. Planning –18/00164/OUT– Mr N Hutchings, Devon Bonsai Nursery – Outline construction of a permanent occupational dwelling (approval sought for access) – Mr Hutchings attended the meeting to speak regarding this application. He clarified that the property named Springfield (belonging to his parents) is no longer part of the Bonsai Nursery business and therefore this is a new application as there are now not a dwelling linked to the business. Cllr Tume (p) Cllr Bellshaw (s) this was SUPPORTED vote UNANIMOUS. Cllr Bromell will speak to the planning officer at TDC and ask if this can be put into Category B where it is viewed by a larger group of planners.

18/00047/FUL –Mr S Ursell, Windout Farm-Erection of general purpose agricultural building (storage) – this was viewed by councillors on line. Cllr Moody (p), Cllr Taylor (s) this was SUPPORTED – vote UNANIMOUS

E2/46/14 – Proposed TPO – Chapel Cottage –six trees the front of property – no comment

Decisions – 17/01722/FUL – Mr S Fry, Fry and son – Change of use of part of agricultural field to create an area of hardstanding for turning of lorries, customer parking and storage area – GRANTED17/02613/FUL – Mr B Mcintyre – Springfield Holiday Park – Change of use from 16 touring caravan pitches to 8 static caravan pitches – GRANTED

(DOCX) MINUTES OF THE TEDBURN ST MARY PARISH …· Web viewDiscussions took place over the issues regarding parking especially at the Southway junction and at Four Oaks Road. He highlighted - DOKUMEN.TIPS (2)

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17/02805/OUT – Estate of R Westcott (deceased), Chapel Cottage – Outline – Two dwellings (approval sought for access and landscaping) - GRANTED

5. Minutes of the Council meeting held January 2nd 2018 for approval, (P) by Cllr Moody (S) by Cllr Jones that these be signed as approved, vote - UNANIMOUS. Cllr Bellshaw signed.

6. Purchase of new defib at Village Stores – There have been various fund raising taking place and donations have come in from the Choir, the School from their Carol Concerts and the New Year’s Eve Party. All funds are held by the Parish Council and more ideas for fund raising events were discussed including a big breakfast and car wash. Total funds currently held are £758 and the total target is approximately £1500.

7. Highway Issues in the Parish inc double yellow lines and mower purchase – Cllr Rodda has previously shared the map with the suggested locations for possible double yellow lines. A public consultation is to take place regarding this, as comments are needed from parishioners before it can be taken forward to DCC. After discussions it was proposed that two consultations could take place, at the Methodist Church Hall one after Aprils Farmers Market on April 21st 12 – 2pm and after school on Tuesday 24th April 230pm – 4pm. Advertising will take place in the TT and on the web. Cllr Rodda will organise maps and documents for the consultation.

We currently have approx. £1600 towards purchasing a Ride-On mower for the parish to cut grass verges and play parks. Points covered were

Devon Association of Local Councils have confirmed that any volunteers will be covered by our own insurance as long as risk assessments are carried out. Three volunteers came forward during the meeting.

The areas to be mown was discussed. Although these are cut by DCC and TDC more regular cuts could take place.

Storage – suggestions were a shipping container at Millennium Orchard or possibly in a parishioners barn

£1600 would cover a second hand model but probably not a new model. A warranty was recommended to have in place whatever is purchased.

Contracts will need to remain in place for The Recreation Ground, Cemetery and possibly at Millennium Orchard.

Cllr Tume has agreed to take this project forward, Cllr Bellshaw (p) a ride on mower was purchased with adequate risk assessments and that the points above were all covered (s) Cllr Rodda – VOTE UNANIMOUS

8. Cemetery Entrance – Three quotes have been received for resurfacing the entrance to the Cemetery. One more quote is to come in. The contract will be decided at the next meeting. Cllr Bromell has a grant available and would be happy to support giving this to this project. Further details will need to be clarified before the grant can be applied for. Cllr Bellshaw will speak to the Friends of Little Chapel.

9. BT Kiosk and notice board area - Roger Sibley has the BT kiosk and it has been suggested it is placed at the Notice Board area, in the centre of the village. The two notice boards in this area are now not fit for purpose and the Clerk suggested a new wooden notice board to make the area more attractive. Other suggestions were to use the Kiosk as the Parish Council notice board. Cllr Bellshaw (p) the kiosk be moved to the Notice board area and used as an information hub including for Parish Council notices. The two notice boards could then get removed. Cllr Rodda (s) – VOTE UNANIMOUS. It was confirmed the Enhancement group have kindly said they will maintain this area. The Clerk will liaise with Roger Sibley regarding this.

10. Monthly Reports to include all reports from Clerk, District Councillor & County Cllr Brook reports – He talked about the DCC budget where provisions for Adult Care and Health were up, Children and Youth Services up, Communities down, Corporate Services up, Waste, Infrastructure and Highways down. Visibly there may not be much change to services provided. Devon is one of 10 pilot areas for a new business rate formula, where the rates will come to the Councils concerned and are due to raise up to a £10 million. More money is coming from a fund which will be put towards Adult and Children care funding. Central Government have opened up a pot of money which is being bid for to go towards Highway maintenance. He is meeting with Tegan Preston, Highways to look at the issues in his

(DOCX) MINUTES OF THE TEDBURN ST MARY PARISH …· Web viewDiscussions took place over the issues regarding parking especially at the Southway junction and at Four Oaks Road. He highlighted - DOKUMEN.TIPS (3)

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area. The locality fund still has funds available in to be applied for. Applications from the School and Scouts were discussed, as were the defibrillator fund raising and storage for the ride on mower. Consideration is being given to all applications at this current stage. The double yellow line consultation was discussed and Cllr Brook will put in a request for yellow lines to be considered. This can then be withdrawn if the decision is not to proceed.

Cllr Bromell nothing to reportCorrespondence and Clerk's report:

ISSUES LOG Updated today


Volunteers insurance outside Councillors

Neighbourhood PlanRoyal Garden PartyDPA course coming up that is recommended for the clerk to attend due to legislation changing.

If risk assessments carried out it should be covered on our own insuranceAwait details of talkPrevious chairs only could be nominated therefore Charles Pallot was put forwardCllr Taylor (p) Cllr Pope (s) Clerk to go on course – vote UNANIMOUS

TDCHow CIL works Litter prevention material – Spring Clean upTeignbridge Design Guide consultation

Email sentI have signs where could they go- 2 places to be put up.Comments 26/01-09/03

Cllr Rodda Play Area Course update Update and report given inc weekly, quarterly and yearly checks.

Cemetery – Cllr Bellshaw reports: The committee has met on January 9th to discuss the quotes for resurfacing the entrance. More details are to be provided. The maintenance of the graves was discussed and it has been clarified by the Clerk that it is the grave owner’s responsibility to maintain these. The grass cutting contract were discussed as it is up for renewal and after discussion, Cllr Tume (p) that as long as the price is held the tender will remain with the current contractor for another 12 months, Cllr Bromell (s) – VOTE UNANIMOUS

Youth – Cllr Jones reports: It is with great sadness the Youth Club Management Committee have received notice that our Youth Worker, Lizzie Watts will be resigning from her post on 6th February 2018. Lizzie has had to make this difficult decision due to other work commitments. She will be missed by us all. We will be giving her a special farewell at Youth Club on her final evening. The Management Committee have, over the past two weeks, mailed out to all parents/guardians of our members seeking their support in attending an informal meeting to discuss ways of helping to keep our Youth Club open. The deadline set for responding was Tuesday 30th January. Our appeal for help failed. Therefore, the difficult decision had to be made to close on 6th February. We will not be advertising for a replacement Youth Worker as this has proved difficult in the past. However, we will be encouraging our young people to access the existing youth provision on offer in the Parish. Thank you to all who have been involved in supporting our Youth Club over the past few years. A vote of thanks were given to the Youth Club management committee for the work they have done to keep the Youth club going. All funds will remain with the Parish Council but further meetings will take place to formalise the closure of the club.

Village Hall – Cllr Jones reports: The Village Hall Committee met on Monday 15th January matters arising from the meeting to be brought to the attention of the Parish Council are as follows. The New Years Eve Barn Dance in aid of funds towards the purchase of a Defibrillator was well supported and thanks were given to all who had been involved in making it happen. Maintenance: Due to recent problems work will be undertaken in the ladies toilets to replace all locks on toilet doors. The metal drain cover outside the main door can become a hazard during wet weather. A yellow cone will be placed near to the drain to raise awareness when necessary. The loose slate on roof will be repaired and gutters will be cleaned. Repairs have been undertaken to some of the chairs. A folder containing instructions for the use of all appliances will be placed in the kitchen. Village Hall Car Parking: The sub-committee have arranged a consultation meeting with the residents of Tremletts and Orchard Close, a discussion document will be prepared to assist in finding a way forward in overcoming the parking difficulties being experienced. Finances: The Treasurer presented a detailed Financial Report which was accepted by the Committee. The next meeting will take place: Monday 19th February 7-30pm

(DOCX) MINUTES OF THE TEDBURN ST MARY PARISH …· Web viewDiscussions took place over the issues regarding parking especially at the Southway junction and at Four Oaks Road. He highlighted - DOKUMEN.TIPS (4)

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Housing Committee – Cllr Bellshaw reports: Teignbridge have sent us an email describing the allocation process at Moor Park. There are 6 affordable rented units at what is now known as Acer Terrace. They were advertised in Devon Home Choice in September. Applicants were advised that they had to have a local connection, either themselves, to family or to workplace. All applicants were required to answer a questionnaire on local connections etc. Some of these were not returned, for a variety of reasons, including changed circ*mstances. Applications were then prioritised in line with Sec 106 criteria. We were told that they did 'run out' of applicants with an immediate connection, so then moved on to a wider area. Also that housing 'need' or length on waiting list could have 'outranked ' people with a local connection. There were 30 bids for the four 2 bed properties, 22 bids for the upper floor flat and 26 bids for the ground floor flat. The Councillors remained unclear as to whether there were still local people who had a need who still remained on the waiting list for local accommodation. Linda would inquire further about this. Councillors do not know of anyone who is waiting but it is important to know if we need more accommodation in Tedburn.

TALC – Cllr Moody reports: A lady from the Devon and Cornwall crime commissioner office spoke about the setting up of a Councillor Advocate to meet with D & C Police to give issues from the parish and gain feedback. A handout was given out regarding this role.

13. Accounts for Payment and budget v precept updateSupplier Description Amount VAT Total Chq.NoDCC Pension Clerks pension from January 2018 £151.97 £151.97 424Mrs D Radford-Lewis Clerk salary and expenses January

2018 inc home worker less pension TOTAL

£560.67 £560.67 425

Fry and son (reissue) Picnic benches £736.25 £147.25 £883.50 426Pathfinder Club Hall hire £36.00 £36.00 427Graham Dicker Cemetery & Millennium Play area

maintenance£349.14 £349.14 428

Mrs P Moody travel £18.40 £18.40 429

Cllr Palmer (P) Cllr Rodda, (S) Cllr Moody that all payments be made & signed by two signatories as required – vote UNANIMOUS

Meeting closed 22:18Next meeting date Monday March 5 th 2018 7.30pm at Tedburn St Mary Village Hall Meeting dates are subject to operational changes please check website & notice board for updates.

(DOCX) MINUTES OF THE TEDBURN ST MARY PARISH … · Web viewDiscussions took place over the issues regarding parking especially at the Southway junction and at Four Oaks Road. He highlighted - DOKUMEN.TIPS (2024)


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