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In this article, I’ll show you the best content optimization tools to double or even triple your organic traffic?

And you don’t need to build hundreds of links, publish guest posts, or even send out emails begging for link insertions (I hate that).

In short, we grew our organic traffic by 128% in 7 months without building links, engaging in social media posting, or reaching out to website owners.

All of these activities are important aspects of marketing, but they should be implemented after your website has grown beyond the teething stage.

Marketing is great when you want to “scale.”

Search engines can provide a steady source of quality traffic and customers to your website.

But it doesn’t just happen by chance, you’ve got to spoon-feed Google (in particular) and searchers with useful and well-optimized content.

What is SEO content optimization?

SEO content optimization is the process of improving the visibility and ranking of a website or web page in search engine results pages (SERPs) through optimizing the site’s content. This includes incorporating keywords and phrases relevant to the business’s products or services into the text, as well as optimizing the site’s structure and organization.

SEO content optimization tools are a game-changer.

SEO Content Optimization tools are designed to help bloggers, content creators, and website owners to research keywords, analyze competitors, optimize content for search, and improve existing content — to make it rank on Google.

You simply plug your topic in, click a few buttons, and you get insights on how to optimize content exactly how users want it.

Optimized content will always outrank Google. But don’t get it twisted, being optimized is not the same thing as manipulating search engines.

It’s about following the guidelines.

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If your content isn’t optimized for search engines, you’re making crawling and indexing harder.

The crawl budget assigned to each website/page will be wasted, as search spiders strive to understand what the page is about.

Each time we use Similar Content, one of the leading SEO content optimization platforms in the market to improve our posts, we see a bump in organic traffic and ranking.

We get the most eyeballs, clicks, and conversions from optimizing our content.

That being said, let’s dive into the 14 tools that will simplify your content optimization processes — so that you can multiply your results from organic search:

1. MarketMuse

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MarketMuse is a suite of Content Optimization Tools, powered by Artificial Content Intelligence and Strategy.

Use the tool to analyze millions of content on demand, uncover gaps and opportunities in your niche for creating content, enhancing your organic presence on-page, drive expertise, and boost revenue.

Improving organic ranking doesn’t have to be difficult. You can make the process a lot easier by gathering insights from MarketMuse.

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MarketMuse is unique because it helps you to identify low hanging fruit.

This is why creating a road map for content marketing and topical authority is important if you must achieve your content goals.

These days, Google employs a set of search algorithms, which are updated regularly to analyze content pages and determine which positions they should rank in the organic results.

Although Google doesn’t reveal the ranking factors to the public, we’re aware of the general characteristics and patterns that Google considers important.

With the help of MarketMuse, you’ll gain access to a suite of tools you’ll need in your content marketing arsenal.

Thus, you’ll be able to understand what topics and concepts your audience prefers.

If you don’t know these topics and low-hanging fruits, there’s no way you can successfully compete with established websites.

MarketMuse also uses machine learning to scan content related to your primary keyword — to identify common questions that online users are searching for.

Then you can use the recommendations and tips to optimize your content, to increase its chances of ranking on Google’s top 10 organic search results.

Pros and Cons

Find content ideasIt’s not designed with beginners in mind
Get insights to optimize contentIt requires a steep learning curve
Predict content successData report is a bit complex
It offers a free 3-month plan

2. Surfer SEO

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Surfer SEO is a powerful Content Optimization software.

It’s cloud-based, and the major focus is on-page optimization of your website. The 7-day trial costs $1, so it’s not completely free like Similar Content.

It’s time to leverage the power of ‘Surfer’ to analyze and compare your pages against the top-ranking websites for a particular topic (or keyword).

For example, I entered the keyword “product marketing” and clicked on the “Create a query” button:

14 SEO Content Optimization Tools: The Complete List (2022 Update) - Onpage.ai - Formerly SimilarContent - AI SEO Assistant (5)

Next, you’ll see the chart for “product marketing.” The chart shows the word counts for the top 10 rankings sites.

14 SEO Content Optimization Tools: The Complete List (2022 Update) - Onpage.ai - Formerly SimilarContent - AI SEO Assistant (6)

There shouldn’t be assumptions in SEO. It’s either you’re certain about the topic you’re writing about or you are not. Don’t sit on the fence!

Therefore, don’t try to guess what type of content Google likes to rank, let Surfer SEO give you a data-driven answer; in-depth analysis of the ‘content elements’ that are missing on your page.

These on-page elements include LSI/NLP/TF-IDF keywords, structural elements such as Hx tags, and meta tags.

So is Surfer SEO right for you?

Well, this software is beginner-friendly. The interface is intuitive and clean.

Anyone can get around it in a bit. You can easily analyze a keyword, URL, or domain without having to mess around with lots of data.

Just enter it and hit ‘Enter’.

14 SEO Content Optimization Tools: The Complete List (2022 Update) - Onpage.ai - Formerly SimilarContent - AI SEO Assistant (7)

Next, you’ll see the analysis.

Unlike other content optimization tools that just spills out data, Surfer provides a clean visual representation of the sections of the page that requires tweaking.

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The metrics that have the highest number on green bars are essentially the on-page factors that impact rankings the most.

They have the highest correlation to where your page eventually ranks. So you need to pay rapt attention to it.

With Surfer SEO, you don’t walk in the dark — trying to know the exact and partial keyword densities for a particular page.

The deficiencies are in black and white — thanks to Surfer that simplifies everything.

This tool also makes correlational SEO easier for anyone to execute. It goes beyond keyword frequency on any page, there’s a lot more.

In the left-hand menu of your Surfer dashboard, you’ll see the meters — giving you insights as to where your page is weakest:

14 SEO Content Optimization Tools: The Complete List (2022 Update) - Onpage.ai - Formerly SimilarContent - AI SEO Assistant (9)

Quickly fix the metrics that have the strongest correlation signal strength. These would impact your rankings almost instantly.

In like manner, ignore the metrics with the weakest “signal strength. You can go after optimizing them later.

Overall, Surfer SEO is truly a remarkable Content Optimization solution for small and mid-size websites.

Whether you’re conducting a competitive analysis or looking for low-hanging opportunities to improve search visibility, you can’t go wrong with this tool.

Pros and Cons

Find LSI keywords for your pageIt’s expensive at $29/Month
Audit your website based on 500 ranking factorsThe free trial costs $1
Get insights using Content structure assistance toolsThe content audit interface is cluttered
Simple on-page optimization tool
See also 3 B2B Marketing Trends: What Works and Why?

3. Search Metrics Content Experience

Content Experience is an essential content optimization software for content marketers.

It takes a data-driven approach and reveals some ideas to create high-quality, search engine optimized content.

Taking the suggested ideas, it’s easy to create engaging content that will successfully compete for the top SERP position, engages the customers, and leads them through the sales funnel.

Semantic Associations is one of the major features you’ll find in Search Metrics Content Experience tool.

This feature shows the topic clusters — which is exactly what users may be interested in.

This allows you to boost your content’s quality in real-time.

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Content Experience uses predictable performance, based on user history/data to make your content success a normal event.

If you’re looking for a better way to create content that outranks the competition, enhances your site’s authority, and break through the noise of search, the Content Experience tool might help.

Content Experience is powered by machine learning to help you make informed decisions that will drive audience engagement with relevance.

Don’t just create content to keep up with your schedule, instead develop content that matches search intent on topics that your audience can implement right away.

14 SEO Content Optimization Tools: The Complete List (2022 Update) - Onpage.ai - Formerly SimilarContent - AI SEO Assistant (11)

Pros and Cons

Create better content with handy toolsNo free trial available
Find long-tail keywords to optimize forIt doesn’t support Keyword research in multiple languages
Drive audience engagementAdding mobile tracking is confusing
Content score gives you insights to get betterNot suited for beginners

4. Textmetrics

14 SEO Content Optimization Tools: The Complete List (2022 Update) - Onpage.ai - Formerly SimilarContent - AI SEO Assistant (12)

Make every word count with this tool.

Textmetrics (formerly WebTextTool) is a content quality platform.

It’s ideal for organizations that want to continuously improve their online and offline text conversion rates.

This tool is powered by machine learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

With Textmetrics, you get real-time suggestions; unmatched assistance that helps you to write high-quality content that answers your audience’s questions.

14 SEO Content Optimization Tools: The Complete List (2022 Update) - Onpage.ai - Formerly SimilarContent - AI SEO Assistant (13)

If you’re looking for a personalized report on your written content, carefully drafted by a professional SEO writer (via AI), then you need Textmetrics.

This content quality platform can also help you out with academic, common writing reports, and other types of content.

Do you need a professional keyword analysis to help boost your efforts and pages to the top of Google’s organic results? You may want to consider Textmetrics.

Pros and Cons

Good tool for writing contentThe monthly plan is expensive
Improves your content performanceNo keyword search option
Manage your copywriting tasksYou can’t export in WordPress format
It doesn’t integrate with many toolsIt doesn’t support multiple languages (e.g., Spanish)

5. CognitiveSEO Content Optimizer and Keyword Tool

Are you looking to optimize your content with the best keywords?

Why not try the CognitiveSEO Content tool.

This software is truly remarkable. It uses advanced Google semantic search algorithms to uncover stellar content ideas for your website.

You’ll be able to bridge the gap between old school SEO and the new approach to content marketing.

There are 3 distinct ways you can benefit from this competitive research tool:

  • Keyword research
  • Ranking analysis
  • Content optimization

Just plug your main keyword into the search box, select location (e.g., United States), then click on the “Analyze” button.

In a matter of seconds, you’ll get thousands of topics and keywords to use for your campaigns.

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For example, I entered the keyword “online marketing” and here’s the suggested list of keywords I can target instead of the highly-competitive ‘online marketing’ query.

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Identify keywords to rank for, based on search volumes, difficulty level, or content performance.

The keyword database is fresh and huge.

The recommended keywords are coming from multiple sources including Google Keyword Suggestions and Google Autocomplete,

Third-party database sources, and their own database.

14 SEO Content Optimization Tools: The Complete List (2022 Update) - Onpage.ai - Formerly SimilarContent - AI SEO Assistant (16)

Now, you can visualize the top rankings for your given keyword or topic — but also get to understand why these websites are ranking better than others.

Quickly conduct a Google SERP reverse engineering so that you can get access to proven strategies to optimize your page just like the top-ranking pages.

Pros and Cons

It has a clean interfaceThe price is slightly expensive
Easily track your rankingsThe tool requires a couple of weeks to master
Analyze a website with the site explorer toolThe rank tracker has difficulty comparing multiple sites
It offers a free Google Updates tracker

6. Cora SEO Software

Core SEO Software is a powerful SEO Diagnostics tool for businesses and marketers who want to rank higher on Google.

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The tool measures up to 2,040 ranking factors and gives insights on the strongest factors and even gives you hints on the right factors to optimize your page for.

Cora SEO Software is constantly updated to adapt to Google updates.

It’s designed by SEO professionals who have been in the trenches for decades. So they sure know what they’re doing.

Cora uses a mathematical approach to correlate each of the factors that impact ranking with rank positions in Google.

This approach reveals valuable clues and patterns as to the ‘focus’ factors that influence rankings the most for a given keyword.

Consequently, when Google rolls out an algorithm update and favors the factors differently, Cora SEO Software, in turn, aligns with the changes and reflects those changes in your report.

Thus, you’re getting fresh and reliable keywords, content analysis reports, and suggestions to help improve your content so that it ranks better on Google.

Both Cora Diff and Cora Trends are additional tools you get with your Cora SEO Software subscription.

These tools reveal advanced search behaviors over a period — so that you can flow with the pattern when creating fresh content.

Pros and Cons

Easy tools to analyze your websiteMost people can’t afford the $250/month fee.
Compare your pages with top-ranking pagesIt’s a complex tool. Hard to use for beginners
Integrates with other SEO toolsYou must download to use Cora (it’s not web-based)
It uses indicators to generate content insightsLacks features for optimizing content

7. SEO Tester Online

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SEO Tester Online is an On-Page SEO software suite that will enable you to improve your content pages and boost rankings in Google.

The main tools of SEO Tester Online are:

  • SEO Checker: Easily analyze site structure, content, loading speed, and ensure your page is optimized for searchers.

  • SEO Spider: This tool scans your website to find issues that must be fixed.

  • Keyword Explorer: Discover the right keywords for your website’s content.

  • SEO Editor: This editor simplifies the tedious process of writing content in MS Word document or Google Docs, then analyzing it. Simply write directly in the SEO Editor — optimize as you write, and you’ll have an article that will compete successfully with other websites in Google.

Do you want to write SEO-friendly content? You need to provide the most valuable content for users and customers.

Creating the right content can be hard. It’s the major challenge faced by most B2B and B2C companies.

It all begins with choosing the right keyword. Then with the SEO Tester Online, you can get ideas on how to optimize perfectly to the search intent of your users.

See also Why SimilarContent is your ideal SEO content Writing tool

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Get firsthand information as to what the right keywords to target, and keywords to ignore — especially if your website hasn’t gained much authority yet.

SEO has evolved but it still boils down to serving the users well.

Hence, when a user searches for “learn Piano at home” they’re also interested in related topics such as the “best way to learn Piano,” etc.

You need to start using related topics to enrich your articles.

Don’t just focus on the main keyword — spread out (but don’t digress from the search intent of the main keyword) and answer other closely-related questions.

Pros and Cons

Easy to use for SEO auditSupplies basic SEO audit data
Comes with a free trialIt costs more than other tools (starting at $29.95/month)
Get an overview of your site SEO performanceLacks advanced SEO audit tools
It’s web-based, in the cloudNo phone support

8. SEMRush Content Assistant

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The SEMRush SEO Writing Assistant is a software that provides instant recommendations for optimizing your content based on the top-ranking articles in the Google organic results.

You can also improve the readability and value of your content by optimizing it based on the suggestions.

And it’s quite simple to install the SEO Writing Assistant to your website.

Just visit the download page, sign into (or register a new account) your SEMRush account, install the browser plugin to get started.

Better yet, log into your WordPress site and install the plugin. It also works with Google Docs. Awesome!

I think I might try it for Google Docs to see how it works. After installation, I enabled the plugin from the document’s add-ons menu.

Then I ensured it connected to an external template.

Next, I pick my target keyword and start writing.

14 SEO Content Optimization Tools: The Complete List (2022 Update) - Onpage.ai - Formerly SimilarContent - AI SEO Assistant (21)

Pros and Cons

Handy tools to analyze and optimize textIt gives basic content insights
It’s free to use (once you’re a SEMrush user)User interface looks old
It comes with an add-on for WordPressData reports can be improved
Analyses content in real-timeIt’s a bit slow when generating reports

9. BrightEdge Content IQ

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Content IQ is an advanced tool for a website audit. It’s developed by BrightEdge to help businesses and SEO pros optimize their content.

It’s one of the holistic content optimization tools you can use today.

Through Content IQ, you can see a rich report and analytics for any website, how it’s performing, the keywords, and a lot more.

Content IQ scores your content based on various parameters such as page structure, content, performance, and crawlability. It has a clean analytics dashboard.

14 SEO Content Optimization Tools: The Complete List (2022 Update) - Onpage.ai - Formerly SimilarContent - AI SEO Assistant (23)

It shows you important areas to improve by highlighting site errors that you might want to fix.

All of these tiny improvements will impact your content visibility in the organic search.

No matter the size of your website, Content IQ will audit it effectively.

More importantly, you can quickly customize your audit rules — so that you can give attention to factors that matter the most for ranking.

Get a broad overview of your website and its content performance using Content IQ.

Next, use the tips and guidelines to tweak your content until it aligns with what users want to read.

Pros and Cons

Easily track content performanceThe plans and pricing are inaccessible
A robust data and analytics toolNo live chat support
Get new ideas for your contentThe user interface can be improved
Target mobile consumersIt requires a learning curve

10. Page Optimizer Pro

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PageOptimizer Pro is the On-Page Content Tool that gives you an unfair SEO advantage over your competition. It was founded by Kyle Roof, a renowned SEO expert.

There’s a 7-Day free trial for you to test it out. It supports all languages, so that should be an obstacle.

PageOptimizer Pro is a great Content Optimization tool if you’re serious about competitive analysis.

Your competition may be doing something that you’re ignoring — this tool shows you where to invest your time and money — so that you can increase your chances of ranking on Google.

PageOptimizer Pro (POP) has a unique pricing structure. It’s pay-as-you-go, so for $10 you get 10 reports.

The beauty of POP is how simple anyone can start using it.

When you’re looking to produce highly-optimized SEO content that appears in Google once it’s indexed, you’ll need this tool.

Brands such as FreshBooks, Springer, SurveyMonkey, Agoda, Safesforce, HubSpot, among others use PageOptimizer Pro.

The concept of PageOptimizer Pro is to help you optimize your On-Page elements based on the Scientific approach and 350+ tests on the Google Algorithm.

To get started, simply create a new project.

14 SEO Content Optimization Tools: The Complete List (2022 Update) - Onpage.ai - Formerly SimilarContent - AI SEO Assistant (25)

Next, select competitors. Remember to tell PageOptimizer Pro which geographic location you’re targeting.

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Finally, implement the recommendations, tips, and insights on your page.

You may re-run one more time to make sure your content is optimized for the chosen keyword.

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So, is PageOptimizer Pro worth it?

Well, it’s for marketers and content creators who publish content on their websites and want to rank it higher in Search Engines.

You may notice fast ranking improvements after implementing the suggestions from PageOptimizer Pro.

Pros and Cons

Tools to analyze your competitor’s contentPro plans are expensive for beginners ($39/Month)
Easy to use interfaceOnly 5 reports allowed in free trial
Supports multiple languagesThe suggested LSI terms are weird
It has collaborative tools for agencies and teamsNo phone support

11. Clearscope.io

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Clearscope is an AI-powered platform that enables you to create, optimize, and get more out of your content.

In the words of Shannon Ratliff from Wide Open Media:

Clearscope has fit seamlessly into our editorial process and enables the entire team to craft more educated and informed content.”

Clearscope is easy-to-use keyword research and content optimization tool.

It’s primarily designed for content creators who want to drive visibility from Google’s organic search.

The main feature is called “Optimize”

14 SEO Content Optimization Tools: The Complete List (2022 Update) - Onpage.ai - Formerly SimilarContent - AI SEO Assistant (29)

This feature is used to grade content based on two factors:

  • Content relevance
  • Comprehensiveness

The tool scans your content for relevant LSI keywords that Google wants to see on your page; supporting the target keyword.

For your content to perform well, you’ll need to have an ‘A’ grade. This grade shows how well your content is optimized for the main keyword and LSI keywords.

Content that gets shared on social media is great but it’s never enough.

To drive consistent organic traffic, your content needs to be highly relevant to the queries that people are searching for. There’s no other way to go about it.

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Pros and Cons

An intuitive and clean user interfaceIt’s quite expensive ($350/month)
It integrates well with internal processesIt has difficulty working in WordPress backend
Good customer supportThe content grading system is a bit confusing
It offers useful keywords analysisNo phone support

12. SEO Scout

SEO Scout is an SEO Analytics, Keyword Optimization, and Testing Software.

See also How Can TF-IDF Help Your Search Engine Optimization?

The power tools are essential for growing the site’s organic traffic and performance — based on the tests carried out prior to the campaign.

SEO Scout enables you to optimize your content, analyze the results, and test your site’s SEO performance on a large scale.

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Some of the ways you can benefit from SEO Scout’s power tools:

i). Keyword Research & Content Analysis: This simplifies the process of analyzing your niche’s organic results.

If your competitors are ranking higher already, you can quickly compare your content against theirs using the NLP topic + entity research tool.

The deep topic research is phenomenal.

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This process is fulfilling, because you’ll uncover thousands of keywords and LSI key terms, plus hundreds of questions that your customers are asking — from Google’s ‘People Also Ask’ section of the search.

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Our SEO Scout’s keyword grouping tool to pivot and organize your own topic clusters via the content planner.

ii). Increase Click-Through Rate: Through in-depth testing of your page titles, you can boost your CTR and grow traffic to your website.

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Your titles should be attractive so that people can click it. So why not split test your copy and uncover the best performing snippets?

This is the secret of getting up to 50% more clicks even if your rankings remain the same.

Pros and Cons

Easy to use keyword research toolThe starter plan is pricey ($29/month)
Find keyword opportunitiesOnly 1 website allowed in starter plan
Offers a 14-day free trialKeyword report is a bit cluttered
Quickly test your site’s performanceThe free trial has limited features

13. LSIGraph

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LSI Graph is a cloud-based keyword research software that helps you find the most profitable semantically relevant keywords for your content.

Why should you use LSI keywords in your page?

It’s because these keywords are semantically linked to the primary keyword the page is optimized for.

For example, if you’re talking about Virgin Group, other terms such as Richard Branson, Virgin Atlantic, Virgin Travels, and other closely-related terms should naturally appear on the page.

Another example, Google wants to be able to differentiate between Apple (the tech company) and Apple (the fruit).

In other words, you’re building a cobweb-like page where all the related terms and questions are addressed on a given page.

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So if you’re writing about the Apple company, for example, you need to naturally include LSI keywords such as iPhone, iPad, iPods, and even the founders’ names.

That way, Google will know that you’re referring to the company “Apple” and not the fruit.

In an SEO context, the best on-page optimization is by creating useful content around these related keywords.

This isn’t manipulating the search engines algorithm or trying to be smart, it’s about doing what’s right for users.

So if Google can figure out a page’s overall topic, it’d be a lot easier to rank that page where it belongs. Don’t you think so?

Hence, you should use the LSI Graph tool to simplify the daunting process of finding these related keywords. Just enter your main keyword, hit the “Generate” button, and boom…

You have all the related keywords you’ll need for your page.

Caution: Don’t over-optimize your page with all the LSI keywords, just pick a handful that is very relevant and run with them.

After using Similar Content to optimize your articles and posts, predict ranking, and style your content, you can utilize this tool to convert all those awesome texts into a clean HTML; ready for publishing.

Pros and Cons

It provides related keywordsIt’s expensive (starting at $27/Month)
Easily export to CSV & PDFThe Basic plan is limited to 100 searches/day
It gives local keywords ideasNot a great tool for keyword analysis
Get insights into the top performing contentIt doesn’t show accurate keyword volume.

14. Similar Content

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Similar Content is your #1 tool for optimizing content so that it ranks on Google’s first page. It comes with a 7-Day free trial, so you have nothing to lose.

It’s arguably the World’s First Content Optimizer, which supports 80+ Languages.

You can measure and determine the level of competition for a particular topic before going head-on with it.

Use the Similar Content tool to check your Keyword Coverage Score and place it side by side with similar content on the web.

More than 4,000 SEO experts including beginners to search engine optimization are already using Similar Content.

Great content needs to be optimized for what your target audience is searching for.

Here are some of the things you can achieve using Similar Content:

i). Ranking Predictor: This is the most powerful feature you’ll ever find in a Content Optimization Tool.

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Using AI, the ranking predictor tool can predict what keyword(s) your content can rank for, which position you should expect it to appear, and what LSI keywords to incorporate into your page to make it read more natural and better.

ii). Content Relevance Score: Leverage the features of Similar Content to Improve Content Relevance Score, which is made possible using the built-in editor.

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This gives the complete overview of how in-depth your topic has been covered, and what improvements you should make.

ii). LSI Keywords Tool: SimilarContent’s Content Optimizer is important when you want to generate a real-time list of words and keywords for your search term, and even shows you how many times you need to use each word.

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Don’t just assume that your content is ready to rank, no, discover the exact LSI key phrases your content is missing — and optimize for them.

iii). Improve your TF-IDF Score: To rank in Google, you need to understand the concept of TF-IDF.

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Generally, words with high TF-IDF numbers have a strong bond with the main keyword they appear in.

In essence, when your TF-IDF for these terms increases, it becomes easier for Google spiders to know exactly what your article is about.

It’s one of the most guaranteed ways to rank high on Google.

Pros and Cons

Optimize content live with built-in editor to rank in GoogleYou can only track 10 topic difficulty/day (on the Starter plan)
Take advantage of the 7-day free trial + Live chat supportNo topic summarizer (coming soon)
Predict your ranking in real-time
Find keyword ideas that are less-competitive

Note: SimilarContent is cheaper. Pricing starts at $9.99/Month. So it’s cheaper than MarketMuse, SurferSEO, and other Content Optimization tools out there.


If you’re involved with content production at any level, you need to arm yourself with these handy SEO Content Optimization Tools.

One or more of these tools can help you dissect, analyze, and tweak your content until you’re sure it’ll rank on Google.

If you’re in doubt, then you need to use the “Ranking Predictor” feature on Similar Content to be 98.99% sure your content is going to appear in the top organic results.

Don’t want to invest money yet, well, get started with the 7-Day free trial to see how Similar Content Works.


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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.